Android Studio - Emulator doesn't load my app - Stack Overflo Hi m.h.bayan8, Looks like the emulator and the Visual Studio is not the problem since you have.Then restart emulatorĪfter clicking on the new genymotion icon inside android studio, your emulator should start up in a few minutes, then all you do after that is run your code and choose your already running genymotion device and you should be golden I create xamarin android project without add any code when debug my project my project debuging without problem when i run app vs emulator running but nut starting my app and deploy field why ? and this is my sdk manager : please help me Solution- Open task manager and kill qemu-system (Under Android Studio). I installed JDK 8 and that fixed the problem My emulator used to suddenly disappear but the app still continues to run. Remember to check the messages panel it saying something wrong with my java version. I just tried to run it and see on emulator screen but app didn't show up there.
I had this same issue with my first app on android studio 2.1.2. Home App not running on emulator Android Studio